Morning: We are in Fredricksburg for an overnight end-of-summer vacation and yesterday we drove out here stopping at every antique shop, crafts place, gallery, and arti
We went to eat at Navajo Grill** and found the food quite good, but a little on the high side for what you get... but still worth it for the beautiful outdoor patio with acoustic western music. See Jack's Restaurant Report in Notes section.
We drove back this morning in time for me to go to a Dr's visit with Joseph Leary, my nose guy who cauterizes my telangectasias*** when they get out of control every few months. This time he found three little spots to zap and I was on my way in about 15 minutes.
El Milagro: I am late today... just can't seem to drag myself away from the home front when I am vacationing and doing little home piddling things. Imagine, not being excited about going to dialysis... So, I finally drive out of the driveway at 4 and get to the center about 4:15, wait until they call me in at about 4:30 and Big Daddy Joseph the Tech pokes me... he is getting better at this: it is weird that he just jabs those needles in, and yet he has gotten to a place where I feel the jab, but it isn't really painful. He sets me all up and I hook up my earphones and listen to ATC on NPR all the way thru the news on TV... which is turned on to the olympic wrestling and muted... but I can almost hear the grunts just by looking. I read some on my text for the fall and fall asleep somewhere in the slip of time there.
One weird thing that has happened twice now is my ring finger and little finger on my fistula hand falling asleep (see post # 263) and getting totally numb. I can play with them and massage them back through tingliness to feeling, and then within about 20 minutes they are back to numbing sleep. I wonder if this is something or just nothing. "Is it something?" I say to my self... and then I consider it and say, "Nah. It's nothing..." And then I worry some and think, "It must be something" and then scold myself and convince myself it is just sleeping fingers.
Wake up and watch most of Matchstick Men on AMC, starring Nick Cage as a person who believes, and convinces me, at least, that he has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Pretty good movie that I want to see the end of sometime. Not tonight though... I am done before it has reached it's cressendo and am anxious to get back to my vacation.... imagine that: I don't want to sit around here watching another half hour of a movie!
Notes: In at 76.5 and out at 74.3 kgs
* Eyfells online at
** Navajo Grill online at
*** See more about telangectasias on Wikepedia, online at
New Readers: For an INDEX, click January 2008 on the Sidebar and page down to post # 207.
Jack's Restaurant Report: the Navajo Grill in Fredricksburg offered (Liz) wonderful large gulf shrimp with a red chile rub (Navajo Blanket), on a bed of tortilla strips, guacamole, and other delights. Shayna and I split the Navajo Steak; a flat iron steak with asparagus (me) and brocolini (her) and it was broiled perfectly medium rare and had a smokey taste, with a light red wine worcestershire reduction. The creme brule with blueberries and strawberries was excellent.
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