
286) Rosh Hashanah

September 30, 2008

El Milagro: I get Celeste the Nurse to let me in after I knock on the door... it's about 4:15 so I am the only person waiting. My chair is in the Corner and Rich the Talky Tech is here to stick me and report on getting married, going to Galveston for two weeks as a National Guardsman medic, and his plans to take a 10 week course at A&M to become an EMT. "Its much faster than the 2 year class at ACC" and I know better than to ask him if he knows why.

I have reading to do for my own class! Amanda the Tech stops by to say "Hi" as does Celeste the Nurse, who completes my nursing eval... and tells me about befriending her Muslim neighbor after I explain that my tummy grumbles are probably from the huge, tasty, Rosh Hashanah lunch I just had at Cari & Stuart's. She uses that cultural story to open about Ramadan being at the same time now as Rosh Hashanah.

I read my deShazer & Dolan until 5:30 and watch ABC News. (Don't get me started on the News!) I say to myself as I am writing. So, there's really nothing else to say.

Oh yeah... Rosh Hashanah. Services this morning were an Austin news-maker*; Kol Halev having their services in South Austin at St. Edwards University, that citadel of South Austin liberal Catholicism, and, according to Rabbi Kerry Baker's interview in the Statesman, entering into this collaboration with St. Ed's also "offers renewal for Jews. It's about renewing ourselves spiritually and emotionally and psychologically, ...getting back in touch with who we are and getting renewed. ... It's important to get a sense of being recharged, refilled with energy and purpose." There are at least a hundred Jewish students at St. Ed's and I was watching out for one of them at services to say "thanks" but didn't find one. Walking across campus last night on my way to services I got the impression that this small university is a safe haven against the new world: there was a large group of students playing capture the flag around the main tower and it reminded me of boy scouts in El Paso. Also, as I walk 'cross' the idyllic campus I remember my old friend Terry Smith going to St Ed's many years ago and wondered how it was back then. College kids playing capture the flag! I wanna play too.

After morning services we go to Cari & Stuart's for luncheon (as usual), this year with Johnny, who attended services with us. At Cari & Stuarts we have a great lunch and Johnny discovers he loves Cari's gefilte fish cakes! L'Shana Tova!

* Flynn, E.E. (2008) Jewish congregation reaching out to South Austin. Retrieved online October 2008 from the Austin American Statesman website at


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