S. Austin Express Lab: We get up on time, get Shayna's breakfast and are off like the wind to S. Austin for our REAL lab appointment. All goes like clockwork this morning: Rena the Receptionist now knows my name and sets me up to talk to Sharon the Registrar. I've brought last week's paperwork so Sharon has an easier time (working from the answers to the last Medicare Questionnaire) registering us and getting us over to the Express Lab, where it is in and out with Peggy the Lab Tech. We get home by 10 after 8 and I immediately take my meds... only 15 minutes late! It is like running a race to get to the finish line as close to 8 as possible.
Home: Today I feel less tired than the last few days, when I have napped off and on all day.
So today it's back to the Mac! Today's chores include:
- Finding out about why I got a nice letter requesting $104 from the Driver Responsibility Program (DRP) saying that I got 6 points in the last time period and now have to pay to keep my driver's license. What? Well, it seems like this new program evaluates your driving record and assesses point and then translates those points into dollars and sends you a bill... which if you don't pay, they simple revoke your license... making it really important to respond to. So, I call the DRP to ask what my points are connected to. I recall only two tickets since I can remember... which would be 4 points and not warrant paying anything. Of course the DRP cannot answer my questions cause they don't know why I owe... just that I owe. Sounds a bit like the old USSR, doesn't it? I have to call the DPS drivers records to find out why I owe. And, of course, on the completely coded tele-answering service at DPS it tells me very gently to call the DRP for any questions about the DRP. I wait thru the list and stay on the line until a person comes on the line and then ask my question. Well, they can't answer it, I must speak to the people in Driver's Records and they connect me. The message politely states that due to the volume of other citizens on the line, I may have to wait thru about 4 or 5 of the tape loops advertising all DPS services, their phone numbers and internet addresses... which takes 20 minutes... and then, all of a sudden, Kurt comes on the line and I ask, "If I complete the online driver's record form to get a copy of my driver's record, will it have the associated points I need to figure out why I have 6 points?" Kurt assures me that the form will, indeed have that information and how I can go about getting the form completed and submitted online! Great. As I am thanking Kurt for the clear info he is giving me, I add that I am perplexed because I only remember two tickets... one in Colorado County and one in my child's school zone... where I saw the officer, glanced at my speedometer and saw I was going the speed limit... and he waved me over saying I was going 3 mph above the speed limit and speeding up. At hearing this, Kurt replied, "What about the one in Balk City?" "What? That was years ago..." I say and he informs me that there is a three year window they look at and that one is just about to expire since at the end of this month it'll be three years. "Okay, ya got me. I guess I don't need to get the record by sending in $6 then, do I?" "I guess not", he replies and so I hang up, go to the online payment, pay my surcharge to drive in Texas, and call it a chore completed.
- Take a picture of me to document my beard and stach growth. I have never been able to grow a real one... but now am on Neural, a immunosuppressant, and it promotes hair growth! So, as I always try to find the golden lining in every cloud (these immunosuppressants can be very worrisome, based on the list in my Patient Manual) I find that I have the opportunity for the first time in life to grow more of a beard. I ask Lizzie to take my picture to compare with the first one Shayna took and I can see a real growth difference.
- I plan to start constructing TNOY'S annual Membership Survey on Survey Monkey and get Faith to make a PDF of my notes of the last meeting re: the Survey and email them to me and review the notes and begin making the intro and survey questions for Theresa to review before the Board meeting, hopefully. Right in the middle of That Kim calls from work to describe a new procedure down from the state for our STAR providers and hearing about it makes me CRAZY and FURIOUS, so I must stop everything and send TNOYS an email about handling this idiocy immediately! Takes me over an hour to calm down... and I won't go into details here cause it would just get me going again.
- Of course, I have to chart my BP, temp., liquid intake and outgo, etc. etc.
- And read write up this post,
- And check my Facebook, Email, Work email, and snail mail,
- Take a nap,
- Respond to Nathan's comment on my blog (already done)
- Let the dog in and out countless times, whenever she sees some threat to our property...
- And jump up to pee every hour... it has gotten to be less with more in each contribution, in case you're wondering. Liz's friend and Professorial Diana from the school, wrote in a card, "...(appreciate) your blog, especially your candor."
- Must write a Thank You Card to Diana. It will say something like: Well, you can count on me for the candor (I have practically no boundaries about this stuff... and BTW thanks so much for the Chicken Cacciatore: รจ stato veramente delizioso, sufficiente per due pasti, e anche Shayna loved it. Grazie molto!
- Still must write the right Thank You Card to the nurses & techs on NAMC, ICU & 4N ~ you know who you are. I am just waiting for the right inspiration to match all of your motivation and devotion to serve us patients... Really!
- And now, get back to constructing the Survey Monkey Survey.
- But first I think a little nap is in order...
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