May 26, 2009
Lab Call: Tonite Bernadette called me at work, at home, and then, later again, at home... missing me the first few times. She called to say my labs were perfect! ...couldn't be any better. No changes in meds! My creatinine is 1.0 and I am a "clean machine" to quote my old buddy Dale from EP. Yahooooo
I shared with Bernadette that I like a professional that goes outa her way to give out good new as well as the bad.... and she replied (or I hallucinated that she replied) something to the effect that is her favorite type of news to report.
"Namaste Bernadette!"
Hi, Jack,
I am seeking folks who've been on dialysis willing to speak with a reporter for a national story she is doing on dialysis. Might you be available to tell some of your story, to receive contact from the reporter?
I look forward to hearing from you, and to answering any questions you might have. Thank you.
Karylee Feldman
KL - I would be happy to communicate with a reporter... and included your number for any of my other dialysis folks to use to contact you... (Bill)
Have the reporter send me a comment. JN
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