
407) Check out day?

September 23, 2010

Dr. Sankar stopped in early this morning and shared that he thinks the calcium level is slowing and beginning to level off. As we discussed before it dropped from 10.3 to 10 to 8.4 and then to 8.2 where it was at last reading. He anticipates it will level and I should be able to check out of here early evening today. Nurse Barbara was in here while he reports and will be reporting back on how I am doing, plus there is more blood work to check the calcium level today.

A few minutes later, Dr. Lewis stopped by to see me and I told him about Sankar's report. He sounded happy about that and left. Then Bernadette came by and we discussed the whole thing about taking more calcium, levels, being careful to not go from hyper parathyroidism to hypo parathyroidism, etc.

Throughout all this I was also nibbling at my breakfast and trying to slip into the day... wanting to take a shower and get back to finishing grading papers for the class.

I'll be adding to this post as the day goes on...

1:30 pm... Barbara the Nurse runs in to tell me my morning calcium level: 8.2 again... it has stayed the same as last one... so maybe it is leveling... Barbara will call Doc Sankar and see what he thinks.

Later: 6:00 pm... Barbara the Nurse came in just before leaving for the day and said that my latest blood work from this afternoon shows my calcium level is down to 7.4! DAMN! Dr. Sankar hasn't called but we know that this lower level means I stay another night. Nurse Barbara won't be working tomorrow so we said our goodbyes with a hug. She is one fine nurse!

A few minutes later Lizzie and Shayna came to visit and stayed til about 9 watching the new season shows on TV. Next blood work is at 3 am. Nurse Fe checked in and we discussed the situation and she gave me meds and calcium and my stomach shot and we're off to another evening. At least there is good TV tonight. And, I have all the time in world to continue grading my papers. Onward thru the fog!

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