March 9, 2016

Liz and I trekked up to the transplant clinic in north Austin yesterday morning for my annual exam with Dr. Lewis. Once again, all is well with the miracle kidney. Creatinine is at 1.2, BP is good, blood sugar a little high (but the same as every year) and all the other labs are good.
Before Dr. Lewis came in, Maxine weighed me, asked the regular update questions and took my BP. Then Kim the Nurse interviewed me about my medical issues for the last year looked at my EKG, and asked me about my difficulties with HHT over the holidays. Given that gum crisis, she reported that my hemoglobin count was great, so I was glad to hear that.
Although Kim has been at the clinic only a little more that a year (she was new when were last there) she didn't know about this blog so we told her about it and she indicated she would check it out.
As usual, I was very pleased to hear how well I continue to do so my last week's anxiety and grumpiness lifted and I am in gratitude about continuing to enjoy being on the planet.