
112) Katie's Corner Kick

March 13, 2007

I stopped by Burger Stadium to catch part of Katie’s district soccer game against LBJ. The game had been scheduled for 2 p.m. but was postponed because at 2 it was pouring buckets of rain. They finally started the game at about 2:45 and I got there around 3. The rain had temporarily stopped and I got to watch Katie make a beautiful corner kick right into the front of the goal and one of her teammates booted it in for the score. ALLRIGHT! At half time it looked like it was gonna start deluging again so I headed out to the dialysis center. Later I heard that the game was called and the win given to Crockett, 1 to zip.

El Milagro: I am early to the center, find my chair, and sit there waiting for someone to stick me. They are pretty busy and it is about 15 minutes before Carol the Tech comes over and starts the process. About that time the new doc, Nicholas Rucker, Ron the Nurse, and Jennifer the Dietician rolled up their little chart cart and the doc asked, “Anything you need?” and Matt added, “…like a new kitten” under his breath. I told the doc I was doing just fine and he replied that he would see me next time with our annual blood work results. Matt cannulated me and I settled back to watch some boob tube. (My batteries for the radio fizzled). Minimally watched an old MASH and dozed until the news. News came and went and I switched over and watched McNeil Lehrer, somehow not feeling full of news yet. Then I watched NOVA about how fast China is catching up as the most polluting country on the planet. Scary!

About ten minutes before my session is done, I begin to feel clammy and dizzy and ask Carol to check my BP, which is down around 60 over 70 again. She stops the dialysis and I sit there trying to regain some blood pressure. So, what does a person do to regain BP? I sit there trying to visualize my blood pulsing through my veins quicker and almost flex myself to squeeze the blood vessels, hallucinating that that will add “pressure”. Another part of myself is telling me, “Boy, are you nuts. This just shows how out of it you are, buddy.” A few minutes go by and I’m feeling better, so Carol unhooks me and I hold the gauze on my poke holes for awhile. Then she takes a final BP and its up around 111 over 70 something and I’m ready to go.

As Roseanne Roseannadanna* used to say, “It just goes to show you. It’s always something.

Notes: In at 76.1 and out at 73.0 Kgs.
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*"Roseanne Roseannadanna" retrieved online March 2007 from Wikepedia at

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