
196) Turning Down the Manic Knob

December 17, 2007

El Milagro: I arrive a little early today and of course, it’ll be another 20 minutes before my chair is ready… so, I shoot outa there and down to Waterloo Records* to buy a copy of the Texas Christmas Collection** for my Secret Holiday Pal at work. I’ve been in Houston (doing TA and Team-building) for two days, zooming back up here ala Ellinger’s excellente chopped beef sandwiches @ Peter’s BBQ. They’re GOOOD. Since I was off to Houston early Monday morning and back just a half an hour ago… it is difficult to buy my secret pal their last holiday gift. So, at work in our smaller than small business we do this holiday thing every year where we write up a bunch of stuff about our likes and treats and then Faith seals ‘em up and hands ‘em out and the only rule is you can’t get yourself or the person you got last year. Then, for the next four weeks or so, we secretly Santa-tize our secret pal with goodies from their lists. The whole thing winds up at the Holiday Party where we have a staff meeting, eat food, make silly conversation with each other for way too long, and give out the last secret gifts. Then everyone tries to guess who their secret pal is. It’s considered to be great office fun and the food is usually great! Even I like it okay.

So, that party is tomorrow and I’m not gonna be in a mood to shop after dialysis, so I zoom over to get my pal that CD. And… well… it takes me about 22 minutes there and back so now I’m late! Rosie the Tech says, “Hey. Where did you go?” and I sheepishly explain my CD Dilemma and we get to work hooking me up. I weigh in at 76.1 and they decide to take off about 3-something… and I am all tired-manic from being “on” for hours, facilitating folks… and that makes me talky and a little frazzled. My BP is up around 145 over something and it is gonna take some time for me to just chill out… You see: I do that facilitating stuff, drive outa the Emerald city as fast as I can and race down I-10 to Columbus thinking fast thoughts but not having anyone to talk (process) to. So I slam to a halt in my dialysis chair and now I have someone to talk to so it just pours out. Well, it seems like that to me.

So, I’m telling Rosie about the trip and she’s telling me about this new guy’s wife and how much she loves him… they bought a Harley just so they can ride around together and I’m thinking here’s another possible El Milagro Person for Interviewing. So I join her train of thought and say it must be nice that these guys have their wives not working so they can hang out here with them… like George’s wife. Well… turns out George’s “wife” is his neice, according to the latest gossip!

I been observing George and ‘his wife’ for about a year now… they always in here together and he always so laid back and she always seeming a little bossy and pushy and yet there is a strong attachment there you can tell… and, I always think it is interesting how two people work out the steps to their relational dance… blah, blah, blah, etc. etc. etc.

She’s his neice! WOW! I immediately fall back in my head and reel around in there thinking how our hallucinations can narrate whole stories that are based on our own fluff. I reply to Rosie something about maybe there’s something to be said for taking histories after all. Rosie in the wise-ness of 30+ years as a people person, cautions, “I don’t think it’s too good to know too much because then you tend to make judgments about them.” "Oh yeah... histories do not outweigh judgments". This, to my way of thinking, is a great concept to hold onto when working with people. Because, although my brain has created a whole story-life for George and his wife-niece... in reality, were I working with him, I would be working at sequestering that internal jury so as to do "client-centered" change work.

Just yesterday, in the consulting in Houston, I fell back into some NLP exercise strategy and made the ‘rule’ that the interviewees cannot tell the practice interviewer what the crisis is; only how it impacts them and what they want instead.

So we chat on and then she takes off to work on someone else and I write this post and start to actually turn down the manic knob and turn up the rest-now-quietly knob. I listen to All Things Considered and then start looking at the ’57 Chevy on my neighbor’s TV and then get interested in what these guys are saying as they stand around the Chevy… so, I turn off ATC and plug my earphones into the TV to hear these guys. They say "...this silver '57 Chevy mixes the old with the new; a Corvette LS1, and it is HOT!"*** Well, waddaya expect two guys hanging round a modified '57 Chevy would say?

Somewhere around 7:30 my BP drops to 105/90 and Rosie comes over and we discuss her theory that I have gained more weight and they need “to pull less off… change to 3 instead of 3.5” That sounds fine to me… I am a bit spacey now and beginning to feel faint. Further BP monitorings show it going down, down... Monica the Nurse comes over and repeats what Rosie has said… that I possibly have gained more weight, which makes it difficult for me to handle the pulls they’re doing. OKAY! Finally, with BP lowering, Rosie quits me completely and then even gives me some saline to get my BP back up. She offers me some “broth” but all of us ‘patients’ know about the broth. YUCK. Very salty… in fact, salty enough that is zooms your BP right back up. She also tells me that when my BP crashes at home, I can gulp water down and it’ll work to pull up the BP too. I look back at her with the eyes of a proselyte bowing to the wise curandera. So, anyway... I get the needles pulled, get patched up, and sit there for awhile waiting for time to pass until I can wander out into the Austin night. So it goes.

Notes: In at 76.1 and out at 75.? kgs.
* Waterloo Records online at http://waterloorecords.ypguides.net/
* The Texas Christmas Collection review online at Texas Music Roundup, http://texasmusicroundup.com/holiday.html
***Modified '57 Chevy Hdtp online at http://www.remarkablecars.com/main/chevrolet/1957-chevrolet-009.html

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