This is the ongoing chronicle of Me, a PKD Patient: Part 1~ April, 2006 until March 5, 2009 on dialysis and blogging my adventures as a participant, and Part 2~ My Kidney Transplant on March 9, 2009 and blogging my adventures in healing and adjusting to Mordechai the Miracle Kidney and integrating this all into my life.
PKD Challenge Day 29: Do you or someone you know have an upcoming kidney transplant? Visit to learn the basics of kidney transplants and the kidney donation process.
An auspicious day, today! Lizzie and I spent the day finding her the gold Honda CRV she has wanted for some time... and bought it! Went to her mom's for a delightful dinner. And, I had a slice of coconut cream pie in celebration of that great day four years ago, when I was laid up in NAMC having my kidney transplant!
So, Happy Birthday Mordechai! Four candles & one to grow on. Thank you to my donor and Dr. Lewis, and Bernadette, and everyone else on that great transplant team (Dr Sankora, Rachel from NOLA, Mark the transport guy) and everyone on 4 North(Pauline from Kenya, Luvi, Jeffrey, Kristy, and all the rest); and John my son who came to spot Lizzie so she could go sleep. Oh yeah, and Kim who said we HAD to name the little guy.
Friday North Austin Medical Center: Regular clinic visit with hospital check-in taking 45 minutes (sorry we are running late Mr. Nowicki); Maxine checking weight (173); high blood pressure (160/77); and various Maxine stories. Met the new Transplant Coordinator, Jessica, who took over for Patti, who didn't last long in this patient-focused clinic. Jessica seems very nice, competent, and attentive as I explained my January bout with pneumonia and level of recent stress.
Dr. Lewis came in and we spent at least 10 to 15 minutes talking about current stressors (teaching my new class, getting a new ED at work, and losing Big Kim at work) He was animatedly supportive. When we got into his feeback on the Status of Jack & Mordechai the Miracle Kidney, he said again, "you're doing GREAT!" He went down his list of indicators for me:
Creatinine 1.1
Blood sugar 113
Colesterol 143
HDB 5.6
He listened to my heart and lungs, felt my parathyroid, pressed on my kidney, and pronounced me good. We discussed my idea of getting the shingles shot and he explained that since they put a live virus in you it isn't generally a good idea since I am on imuno-suppressants, but that we could check the (unknown) level at my next labs and that would give a better idea what to do.
About the blood pressure increasing he wants me to try going back on some Norvasc in addition to the Linsopril and Normadyne that I am already taking. I'll take my BP regularly and go in again in 4 weeks to check the BP. Then my next appt will be in 4 months.
All in all a good report so I went away feeling a little less stressed and ready to wish Mordechai a happy birthday tomorrow.