
449) Transplant Clinic Visit & HHT Report

September 13, 2016

Liz and I at the clinic for a 6-month check up.  Ran into Rodney in the waiting room: we are happy to see each other.  Its been awhile since I saw him here.  Its always exciting to see each other and congratulate each other; I think for still being around and healthy.  He and I got our transplants by Dr. Lewis the same day (or within a day or two of each other).

Also saw Maggie the Nephrology Social Worker in the waiting room and she gave a "hello". Now we are friends since she co-ordinated my training for the Nephrology Social Workers in April (see #448).  What a nice friendly clinic we seemed to have on this visit!

Maxine and Kim the nurse were there usual cheery selves.  De. Lewis reported that I still have a "kick ass kidney" and I thanked him again for giving it the thumbs up all those years ago when I was trying to figure out whether or not to take it.  He reported that my creatinine is 1.2 and all else looks good in my lab work. 

I showed Lewis my reports (CT chest angiogram w/ contrast, MR brain w/ & w/o contrast, and the CV echo of my ticker) from Dr Battaile, the HHT doc at UT Southwestern in Dallas and after some discussion and explanations about my heart's left atrium, we agreed that it wouldn't hurt to get a consult with a cardiologist here in Austin.  The result of all the testing in Dallas is that I do have HHT and we are now going to get a genetic test to find out which gene is marked so testing for the kids is cheaper.

Only other finding today is that Dr. Lewis want to up my Myfortic for a month and retest because it is a little off.  That's it until my next annual next April!  

As usual, Lizzie and I are happy and grateful as we drive off back to our work-a-day worlds.

Here is a link to a little PKD video I saw on Facebook for anyone who doesn't know a lot about PKD.  Oh.  And if you can spare some bucks, donate to the PKD Foundation soon.


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